Wednesday, July 16, 2008

making progress

This will be our new coffee shop/language center. We rented this large room plus 2 classrooms in the basement. We can also use the balcony for an advanced class. The building is brand new and will need a minimum amount of work. We still need to install a kitchen. The new center is only 5 minutes from our house. Life here continues to be challenging! It takes all of our energy just to provide the basics of living. We are finding people very open and friendly, making lots of contacts.


John & Judy McMannus said...

The location looks great. Our group met last night for our weekly evening meeting, and you were among those we talked about.

philliphorner said...

That is an awesome place! Crystal and I think of you all often. We wish we could come!

Millerific said...

God is good to give you such a place to teach. We pray for you daily.

Kathleen said...

What a beautiful space!

Judy said...

What a beautiful building!
OKAY...When can we come? When is it cooler?!!!!

Judy said...

What a beautiful building!
OKAY...When can we come? When is it cooler?!!!!

bruce said...

very awesome space. i'm ready to start teaching there!

Char Ollinger Waughtel said...

Wow this place looks like fun. What a GREAT find.

glennzo said...

Very nice. of the only things Arabs are decent at