Tuesday, November 1, 2011

stench everywhere

The garbage continues to pile up everywhere in our city! The smell at times is nauseating. Yesterday I was at the grocery store and saw this pile of nasty garbage right outside the door. The smell of fresh bread, roasted chicken and garbage is just not a good one. The crazy thing is that the store workers were all taking their break right beside this pile of garbage and acting like everything was normal. I about gagged as I walked by it to get to my car. I could make a good spiritual analogy here but I leave that to you:) For the past three days we've had non-stop pouring rain and guess what happens to the garbage then? You guessed it: it starts washing down the streets and then begins to clog up all the sewers and causes water to back up and rivers literally flow everywhere. The water rushing in front of our front door is black, smelly sewer water and it seeps under our door and all the way to our front porch! The stench is something else. Ok, enough complaining. I know some of you are without power in the US from the freak Halloween snow storm. We all have our crosses to bear.