Thursday, November 3, 2011

sheep everywhere!!

Sunday Nov 6th is the biggest feast in the Islamic year and that is when they sacrifice a sheep and give some to the neighbors and the poor who can't afford a sheep. Most have no idea what the meaning is behind the feast; they just can't wait to eat the lamb. I just heard a lot of racket out in front of the Family Place so I went out and found the kids playing with the sheep and having a ball. Schools all closed today and will be closed until next Wednesday. Yesterday Darrell went into the little shop right next door and found the sheep INside the shop and creating quite a lot of noise and a not-so-good smell:) Today they have moved him outside onto our sidewalk. (smile again)


Anonymous said...

I remember walking home last year seeing a women washing out the blood from their garage in a house a few doors down from the Life Center. Such an interesting time of year! But great for conversations!!