Monday, October 10, 2016

Forward movement

I know so many of you have been praying for Abby & Henry. Just a quick update to let you know that it seems they are making forward movement all the time. Yesterday they came to our morning fellowship at the Lighthouse and we could sense the joy of the Lord in their lives. Several things had happened this past week that were very discouraging for them but still, they have been able to fight through those things and remain "somewhat" positive. (granted, their situation is very difficult in so many ways) After our meeting yesterday, I wanted so badly to take a picture of the two of them at the computer, listening to Arabic praise songs and singing along with them. That went on for over 30 minutes. I believe some of what Abby was experiencing before (out-of-control rage) was demonic and she denounced that very clearly when we met with them more than a week ago. She is availing herself of the power that she has in Christ to fight the enemy. Keep praying!! 


Anonymous said...

lifting the couple in prayer daily, Speaking God's word over their marriage, J be the centre of their marriage in J precious name. Gean

Julie Brown said...

You're in my prayers every day. Praying His light to pierce the darkness. Praying for Abby's family and that they will have complete healing.

Paul M said...

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus going and reaching out to Abby and Henry to show Gods love. His power is evident to all who turn to Him in humble repentance and trust in Him to do a good work in their lives.
Our missions family at Christ Chapel is holding you, your team and the Lighthouse up in prayer daily and it is so nice to be able to share God's goodness openly with you now!
Also praying for Geryes and his wife and how God will use them in this ministry there.
Asking God to bring many of all languages to the Lighthouse, to learn about His unsurpasing Love for us.
Paul M.