Saturday, June 25, 2016

Funny cultural exchange

This morning we were at a nearby store, wanting to buy one of those shopping carts that you pull behind you. I've always thought they were dorky but everyone has one here so who cares? I had it in my mind that I wanted a super deluxe one with big wheels and very sturdy. The one I was looking at cost 89 Euros. A bit pricey but I figured it was worth it for 2 years of carrying groceries. As we were about to purchase this beauty, an old German lady comes up to us and starts talking loud & fast and telling us that this one was no good and we shouldn't buy it. At least that's what we understood from her wagging finger and other body gestures. We kept hearing the word "Norma" and other street names and all kinds of stuff that we couldn't understand. We told her thank you and left the beautiful cart behind. I looked up "Norma" on my phone and there were several of them in the city, a department store, we were guessing. The closest one was 19 minutes by train so off we went in search of an awesome cart that would cost a fraction of what the pretty one cost. We went on 3 different trains to get to the place and then walked for 5 minutes. When we got to "Norma" we discovered that it was indeed a discount store but they had no carts whatsoever. We saw an old man with a nice-looking one so we asked him where he bought it. He took us outside and pointed down the street and told us that 4 or 5 shops down there, we should find them on the street. So off we go, searching for the perfect cart. First of all, we walked way down the street that the old man had pointed to and found nothing. So we walked back and then down another street. We found carts sitting out on the street. Yay! There were 2 carts there, both so ugly that I wouldn't be caught dead pulling them around town. But they cost 10 Euro. Then I thought, it's not like people sit and analyse your shopping cart and even if they think mine is ugly, really, what's the big deal? We could buy 8 of these ugly things for the price of the pretty one that I wanted. So off we went with our red & pink cart. A couple of hours in 95 degree heat but we got our cart! I later took it shopping and loaded it up with heavy things and it performed like a dream. And I doubt one single person glanced at my shopping cart and thought how ugly it was:) Ha ha.


Dot Milliken said...

Hey Guys, so glad to see you are blogging again! Germany sounds awesome and I know you will make the most of every opportunity and be such a blessing to these dear displaced people. Looking forward to hearing how God is directing you, even in the necessities of daily living. Love & Prayers from Lancaster. Dot

John & Judy McMannus said...

Well, I don't know. Would I personally want to be seen on the streets of Philadelphia pulling a cart like yours? What would people think? They might send us back to Western PA! :)

suroller said...

LOL, Judy!! Spoken like an EASTERN PAer! Actually I think the cart is cute, but I'm from S. Cal...that explains a lot of things!!!
Seriously, C&D, glad you're there and feeling at home. God is doing amazing things--around the globe!