Thursday, June 25, 2009

contemplating sobering thoughts

A fellow worker just wrote along similar lines and got me thinking too...After the news of a worker being killed in North Africa this week (leaving behind 4 children) and having thought SO many times over the years about my friend Bonnie who was killed, I have pondered the question of "is this worth it" more often than I care to admit. At times negative thoughts are given full reign in my mind and that is a dangerous thing! I begin to think of all I've given up to serve God, of the darkness in the places I've been called to and I wonder if I'm living my life in a manner worthy of this calling. Because these places are dark, we tend to make all kinds of excuses for NOT sharing the great news that we've come with. I've heard myself say more than once "if I get kicked out, what good am I doing for the people?" But when I think of the ultimate sacrifice of laying down ones life for the sake of Christ, it seems to me a great honor and if I were called to martyrdom, I would not want it to be in vain. I am not enduring this hard lifestyle just to be known as a great English teacher or even a kind person. If I am not making a difference in people's lives for eternity, then this life is certainly not worth it. I didn't give up my children & my comfortable life & Walmart & much more to come to this far away place and just survive; going through the motions of daily routines & obligations. My God is worthy of so much more than that! This is a high calling; one that requires taking up the cross and following closely behind the Master. Come to think of it, every single one of us is called to the very same thing. My calling isn't any higher than any of yours. We all bear the name of Christ and as such, should be willing and ready at any moment to live for him or die for him.


Unknown said...

I cannot even imagine being called to do the work that you do. Having said that, I doubt that God expects you to be perfect in this activity that He has called you to do any more so than he expects me to be perfect in my calling to be a husband and father in the relative safety of Apathy, Kansas. Just keep trying. That's what He wants. Blessings to you.

Rooted Renaissance Girl said...

I have contemplated your thoughts as we prepare and wait to see where God intends to use our family. Thank you for the realness of this post. It's good to remember that serving overseas does not mean the absence of the day to day trials as well. May God bless you in the little things as well as in the big stuff.