Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A new kind of normal

A week ago someone called me and asked if I'd do an ultrasound on a worker who was new in the country and seemed to be having a miscarriage. The young girl came to my house and after checking her, I saw evidence that she was indeed still pregnant. I didn't want to get her hopes up since she was bleeding pretty heavily and cramping too. A few more days went by and things weren't much better so I checked her again. The gestational sac had doubled in size so I was really stumped but still couldn't see a clear fetus. I decided to take her to a "private" hospital to see my friends' sister who is a doctor. The doctor was insistent that no one would come in the room with her but I insisted and pushed my way in. There were no fewer than 10 women in the room with a woman in labor, yelling loudly. They told this girl to take her clothes off and get up on the table. (the table was way across the room) We looked at her like "right here, in front of everyone?" Of course, it's normal. She dutifully undressed and walked across the room in front of all those women. She checked her and was pretty sure she had miscarried and said she would need a D&C. Praise the Lord she let her wait a few more days to see what would happen. The girl laid in bed pretty much for 5 days, the bleeding stopped and she began feeling very nauseous. Tonight I went over to her house with my portable machine and did another ultrasound on her. Funny side note is that there is only one plug in the bedroom and it couldn't reach the machine so we had to do the ultrasound on the floor. Normal. Sure enough, there was a baby, big as life with a strong heartbeat! How exciting for this young couple, far away from home in a rather primitive place. The thought that that doctor was ready to do a D&C is pretty scary! I believe that she could have been carrying twins and miscarried one of them. Praise the Lord for my portable ultrasound machine which was bought many years ago with Alliance Women's money. It has been a blessing to so many women and continues to be. Thank you!


dclouser said...

This is unbelievable! Sounds like here. Word is probably going to get around about your skills and your machine!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is "wow!" So unimaginable, unless one has been in other countries. All the best in your work. I can see how you're so committed from the heart - you've made a new home so far from home. May I grow more like that in my commitment. friend from PA

Anonymous said...

Can I make a copy of this blog & send it to the Alliance Women in my district (MidAmerica)? We are making our final appeals for National Project funds & your entry is a perfect example of how our support makes a difference in the lives of women everywhere. Jen Vogel, MidAmerica District AWM Director

Phoenicie Konnection said...

Sure Jen, you can make a copy of this. No problem.