Tuesday, February 16, 2010

impending elections

These days our city is alive with activity, flags flying on every car, horns honking, young people hanging out cars, screaming...Our street in particular is wild with activity, especially as the sun starts to set. The Iraqi elections will be held on March 7th and the entire country is gearing up for it. Banners are everywhere & huge, life-size posters adorn every bridge. We've heard that it can actually be dangerous to go to a certain part of town in the evening because the rivaling parties are all there daring one another & acting very foolishly. People have been attacked and hurt. Sometimes at night the noise can be so deafening that we can't sleep! Politics is definitely a big part of life here and many are ruled by their "party". Although we try and keep out of politics, it's difficult to ignore it totally when so many of our friends are deeply involved. In fact, one of my best friends is running for parliament. Pray for peace to reign in the election process!