Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Put to shame

Last week we held a 5-day training course here for leaders in the Iraqi Church. The 14 men and women came from 3 different cities in Iraq. Two teachers came from the US to give 2 courses. The students were full of excitement and anticipation as they began the course. I noticed one man with his arm in a sling and seemingly in a lot of pain. I asked about his story and this is what I was told: This guy has been a believer in Jesus for 2 years and has suffered terribly for his faith. Two days prior to coming for the course, he was beaten and his arm crushed by an AK-47. The doctors were unable to do anything with his arm because it was so badly injured. He lived on strong pain killers. He ran away from the village and arranged to meet the pastor on the highway to come to the course. I also found out that his group of 6/7 believers meets in a van because it would be extremely dangerous for them if they were known to be worshiping Jesus. In the nice weather they meet up on the mountain. It was moving to watch this man during worship time as he sang and praised Jesus with his one good arm uplifted. He was told that if he returned to his village he would be killed! While at the conference he received a phone call from his older brother who's in the gov't and he promised to come and settle things and warn the villagers not to bother him. I thought over and over about the price some people pay to follow Jesus. My faith doesn't really cost me anything; this man's faith costs him everything. I'm sure when he wakes up in the morning he often wonders if this will be his last day on earth. I can't say I've had that thought very often!!


Rooted Renaissance Girl said...

I find it funny that you say your faith costs you nothing (though I definately get your point when comparing to what this man endures in order to follow Jesus!). When I look at all the freedoms & comforts that I enjoy and look at all the sacrifices you've embraced in order to serve God in a place that so desperately needs him... Well, I'm humbled to be in the company of such warriors! Sometimes I feel like a flabby, tasteless, low-sodium Christian, surrounded by other like-minded Christians, and like a bunch of bobble head dolls we're all agreeing with each other while we wait to be fed another spiritually rich meal that only goes to make us feel better. You know what I mean?
Lord, may these testimonies be more than just inspiring stories, but fuel to fire me into action for you. If I do not go and serve you in a foreign land, may I give and pray sacrificially as a true partner in these missions. Change me God that I may be worthy of your great calling and to stand among these warriors in battling the enemy, Satan. In Jesus name, AMEN!!
Thank you for sharing this story. I share your feelings... "put to shame"... in a good way.