Thursday, December 29, 2016
Extreme hospitality
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 12:10 PM 5 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Christmas markets in Berlin
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 12:45 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Picking up the pace
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 6:46 AM 4 comments
Monday, October 10, 2016
Forward movement
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 12:20 AM 3 comments
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Unexpected turn of events
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 1:37 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 19, 2016
Sunday surprise!

Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 2:01 AM 5 comments
Monday, September 12, 2016
Reality is setting in
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 1:20 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 5, 2016
What's in a name?
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 6:25 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 22, 2016
a beautiful evening
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 5:42 AM 3 comments
Friday, July 15, 2016
2 different encounters
Last night we were invited to go and visit a young man that we've met several times. He lives on the far side of the city, one train and 2 buses away. We arrived at his "apartment" around 9PM. He lives in a huge building that has small apartments with 4 people living in each one. He and his roommates all gathered on the beds and we sat on chairs to visit for over an hour. Some of the guys were dentists in Syria. Others were engineers. Their days now are taken up with trying to learn German and find a job here in Berlin. Their life stinks. They're far from their families and feel trapped. Every one of them had such a great personality and winsome smile. They are all from different religious backgrounds but close friends and just wanting to have peace and meaning in their lives. We can't wait to invite them all over for dinner some night. It seems like it will be so easy to gather these guys together for a BS. God is up to something here and when it breaks open, we hope to be on the front lines watching it all happen!
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 1:09 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Happy Eid
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 11:38 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Funny cultural exchange
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 5:56 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Camp duty!
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Lovin' our new home
In our travels around, by foot and by train, we have run into countless refugees who have been very friendly as we stop and greet them in their language and ask about their stories. They are eager to share every detail of the harrowing trips they experienced to arrive to this country. The other day we sat on a bench with 3 women and a man while they recounted their stories for almost an hour and then invited us to come to their home. I don't think it will be difficult to gather these people together eventually when we figure out where we want to settle with our community center. They are lonely and looking for friends. We pray that conversations will easily turn to spiritual things and that we will be able to show them true Christian love. Knowing their language is a huge plus for us!
Tomorrow we will go to meet a woman who runs 3 "camps" in a poorer area of the city. We were told that they are in desperate need of help and we hope we can do something to help them, even if it's just cooking or sorting clothes or whatever. They also told us they are just finishing a women's lounge that will be functioning next week. That sounds right up my alley! At this point, we simply want to get to know people and figure out what part of the city we want to concentrate on. The need is overwhelming - in every train and on every street, their are refugees everywhere. Parks are a good place to meet people also. With it being Ramadan right now, things are a little slower and not so many people out and about.
We know that God has big plans for the refugees of this city. Being separated from their families and their societies makes them far more open & willing to consider a different way. Could it be that what man meant for evil by destroying the beautiful country of Syria and dispersing its' people, God meant for good, to bring them to a place where they have freedom to reject the false religion that has enslaved them until now? For such a time as this, we will PROCLAIM the Good News!
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 3:48 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
First day observations
After a fairly decent night of sleep we were ready to hit the town and explore our area. The first item of business was to get SIM cards for our iPhones. Turned out neither one worked and it was going to be a big pain to fix the problem so we ended up buying 2 Android phones that work great. This one thing took us more than 2 hours to accomplish. I guess the Arabs have nothing on the Germans! Everything was done on foot and before noon, I had 10,000 steps in. The garbage collection here is out of control - 7 different containers for sorting your trash. I heard of this before but couldn't believe it was really true. One for wet trash, one for paper, one for colored glass, one for brown glass, one for clear glass, one for plastic, one for cardboard. Actually, I think there may be a couple other categories. It's unbelievable. The Germans are all about their bicycles, their dogs, their public transportation. There are trains above ground, below ground and trolleys running along the streets, besides buses. Our team mate gave us directions to get to the center where we'll go tomorrow night for a "language cafe". I think we'll leave a couple hours early to make sure we arrive on time. We walk about 15 minutes and then get on one certain train, go 6 stops and get off, walk across to the other tracks and go another 3 stops, then get off and walk another 15 minutes. Google Maps will be our best friend, they tell us. Grocery shopping is a whole other story! Every plastic bottle can be recycled at the store in a large machine. You get money back for each one, a lot of money. No bags anywhere; bring your own or pay a hefty fee for one. Not a word of English on anything so it's a big guessing game for some things. I think I brought home baking powder but I really have no idea. The fridge and dishwasher in my kitchen are miniature size. That's because people here go shopping every day and only buy what they need for that day since no one has a car and it's too heavy to carry large amounts of stuff. Life is just very different here and it will take time to get used to it but we're up for the challenge. We've already learned so much just in one day. Thanks for coming along on this journey with us! Until next time...
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 8:14 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Posted by Phoenicie Konnection at 9:56 AM 1 comments